Free Mandarin Quizzes(testing mode)

0% 2 votes, 5 avg 9 12345678910111213141516171819 Conversation Mandarin Quiz For Beginners Practice Makes Perfect!^^ 1 / 19 "对不起Duìbuqǐ" means...? You're welcome. Thank you. Sorry. That's fine. 2 / 19 A: _____ B: 谢谢Xièxie A:再见Zàijiàn A:好的Hǎo de A:你好Nǐ hǎo A:请坐Qǐng zuò...
Free Chinese Grammar Lessons For Beginners-“的,得,地“

Free Chinese Grammar Lessons For Beginners-“的,得,地“

Chinese Grammar Lessons For Beginners and Intermediate level-“的,得,地“ 猛烈( )北风,胜利( )到达,惨痛( )教训愤怒( )声讨,鲜艳( )红旗,勇敢( )战士迅速( )前进,耐心( )说服,丰富( )经验热烈( )庆祝,巨大( )变化,积极( )参加分析( )透彻,服务( )周到,广泛( )阅读描写( )生动,贯彻( )及时,毕生( )精力观察( )仔细,感动( )流泪,仔细( )观察 Please fill in the correct...
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