Experiencing Chinese Lesson 8 Homework-Mandarin Online Free Quizzes-LindoChinese

Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 8 Homework 1

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Lesson8-homework1-Relative Positions

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1. Describe the relative positions of the little mouse in the following picture.

小老鼠在哪儿?Xiǎo lǎoshǔ zài nǎr?

在中间in the middle-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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2. Describe the relative positions of the little mouse in the following picture.

小老鼠在哪儿?Xiǎo lǎoshǔ zài nǎr?

在上边(面)On Top Of-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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3. Choose the correct location of the item in the picture.


在里面Inside-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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4. Choose the correct location of the item in the picture.


在旁边Beside-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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5. Choose the correct location of the item in the picture.


在前边(面)in front of-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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6. Describe the relative positions of the little mouse in the following picture.

小老鼠在哪儿?Xiǎo lǎoshǔ zài nǎr?

在下边(面)under-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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7. Choose the correct location of the item in the picture.


医院Hospital-Free Chinese Conversation Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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8. Describe the relative positions of the little mouse in the following picture.

小老鼠在哪儿?Xiǎo lǎoshǔ zài nǎr?

在里面Inside-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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9. Choose the correct location of the item in the picture.


在上边(面)On Top Of-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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10. Choose the correct location of the item in the picture.


在下边(面)under-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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11. Describe the relative positions of the little mouse in the following picture.

小老鼠在哪儿?Xiǎo lǎoshǔ zài nǎr?

在左边on my left-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

12 / 12

12. Describe the relative positions of the little mouse in the following picture.

小老鼠在哪儿?Xiǎo lǎoshǔ zài nǎr?

在右边On The Right-Relative Positions Free Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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