Experiencing Chinese Lesson 8 Homework-Mandarin Online Free Quizzes-LindoChinese

Free Quiz-Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 8 Homework 2

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Lesson8-homework2-Positions Practice

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1 / 10

1. Follow the example to rewrite the sentence.


Yín háng wài miàn yǒu yī liàng zì xíng chē. ➡️


【简体中文Simplified Chinese】

盘子里面有一双筷子。➡️ 筷子在盘子里面。

【繁體中文Traditional Chinese】

盤子裡面有一雙筷子。➡️ 筷子在盤子裡面。

【PinYin WITH/WITHOUT Tone Marks】

Kuài zi zài pán zi lǐ miàn.➡️ Pán zi lǐmiàn yǒu yī shuāng kuài zi.

Kuai zi zai pan zi li mian. ➡️ Pan zi li mian you yi shuang kuai zi.

Note: The first letter should be capitalized, the rest should be lowercase, spaces should be added between each word, and a period should be added at the end.

If you write in the wrong format, the system will not recognize it. Sometimes it does not mean that your answer is wrong, thank you for your understanding!

2 / 10

2. Follow the example to rewrite the sentence.

超市后面有一家医院。 ➡️

Chāo shì hòu miàn yǒu yī jiā yī yuàn. ➡️


【简体中文Simplified Chinese】

盘子里面有一双筷子。➡️ 筷子在盘子里面。

【繁體中文Traditional Chinese】

盤子裡面有一雙筷子。➡️ 筷子在盤子裡面。

【PinYin WITH/WITHOUT Tone Marks】

Kuài zi zài pán zi lǐ miàn.➡️ Pán zi lǐmiàn yǒu yī shuāng kuài zi.

Kuai zi zai pan zi li mian. ➡️ Pan zi li mian you yi shuang kuai zi.

Note: The first letter should be capitalized, the rest should be lowercase, spaces should be added between each word, and a period should be added at the end.

If you write in the wrong format, the system will not recognize it. Sometimes it does not mean that your answer is wrong, thank you for your understanding!

3 / 10

3. Follow the example to rewrite the sentence.

椅子上面有一本书。 ➡️

Yǐzi shàng miàn yǒu yī běn shū. ➡️


【简体中文Simplified Chinese】

盘子里面有一双筷子。➡️ 筷子在盘子里面。

【繁體中文Traditional Chinese】

盤子裡面有一雙筷子。➡️ 筷子在盤子裡面。

【PinYin WITH/WITHOUT Tone Marks】

Kuài zi zài pán zi lǐ miàn.➡️ Pán zi lǐmiàn yǒu yī shuāng kuài zi.

Kuai zi zai pan zi li mian. ➡️ Pan zi li mian you yi shuang kuai zi.

Note: The first letter should be capitalized, the rest should be lowercase, spaces should be added between each word, and a period should be added at the end.

If you write in the wrong format, the system will not recognize it. Sometimes it does not mean that your answer is wrong, thank you for your understanding!

4 / 10

4. Is the rewritten sentence correct?

手机在衣柜里面。➡️ 衣柜里面有一个手机。

Shǒujī zài yīguì lǐmiàn.➡️ Yīguì lǐmiàn yǒu yīgè shǒujī.

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5. Is the rewritten sentence correct?

椅子在冰箱和桌子中间。➡️ 冰箱和桌子中间有一把椅子。

Yǐzi zài bīngxiāng hé zhuōzi zhōngjiān. ➡️ Bīngxiāng hé zhuōzi zhōngjiān yǒuyī bǎ yǐzi.

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6. Follow the example to rewrite the sentence.

餐巾纸下面有一张菜单。 ➡️

Cān jīn zhǐ xià miàn yǒu yī zhāng cài dān.➡️


【简体中文Simplified Chinese】

盘子里面有一双筷子。➡️ 筷子在盘子里面。

【繁體中文Traditional Chinese】

盤子裡面有一雙筷子。➡️ 筷子在盤子裡面。

【PinYin WITH/WITHOUT Tone Marks】

Kuài zi zài pán zi lǐ miàn.➡️ Pán zi lǐmiàn yǒu yī shuāng kuài zi.

Kuai zi zai pan zi li mian. ➡️ Pan zi li mian you yi shuang kuai zi.

Note: The first letter should be capitalized, the rest should be lowercase, spaces should be added between each word, and a period should be added at the end.

If you write in the wrong format, the system will not recognize it. Sometimes it does not mean that your answer is wrong, thank you for your understanding!

7 / 10

7. Is the rewritten sentence correct?

刀子在菜单右边。➡️ 菜单右边有一把刀子。

Dāozi zài càidān yòubiān. ➡️ Càidān yòubiān yǒu yī bǎ dāozi.

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8. Choose the correct rewrite sentence.


Fànguǎn zài fēijī chǎng duìmiàn.➡️

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9. Follow the example to rewrite the sentence.

大使馆附近有一家饭店。 ➡️

Dà shǐ guǎn fù jìn yǒu yī jiā fàn diàn. ➡️


【简体中文Simplified Chinese】

盘子里面有一双筷子。➡️ 筷子在盘子里面。

【繁體中文Traditional Chinese】

盤子裡面有一雙筷子。➡️ 筷子在盤子裡面。

【PinYin WITH/WITHOUT Tone Marks】

Kuài zi zài pán zi lǐ miàn.➡️ Pán zi lǐmiàn yǒu yī shuāng kuài zi.

Kuai zi zai pan zi li mian. ➡️ Pan zi li mian you yi shuang kuai zi.

Note: The first letter should be capitalized, the rest should be lowercase, spaces should be added between each word, and a period should be added at the end.

If you write in the wrong format, the system will not recognize it. Sometimes it does not mean that your answer is wrong, thank you for your understanding!

10 / 10

10. Choose the correct rewrite sentence.


Hónglǜdēng zài chēzhàn pángbiān.➡️

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