Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 6-Homework 2-Living in China-Free Online Quiz

Free Quiz-Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 6 Homework 3

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Lesson6-homework3-Listening Practice

Practice Makes Perfect! Keep it up!^^

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1. Put the word into a suitable place in the sentence(choose the number).

1️⃣他 2️⃣去 3️⃣银行4️⃣。(了)

1️⃣ Tā  2️⃣ qù 3️⃣ yínháng 4️⃣。(le)

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3. Put the word into a suitable place in the sentence(choose the number).


1️⃣ Mǎdīng 2️⃣ zài 3️⃣ zài 4️⃣? (Bù)

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8. Put the word into a suitable place in the sentence(choose the number).

1️⃣我 2️⃣是 3️⃣马丁4️⃣。(就)

1️⃣ wǒ 2️⃣ shì 3️⃣ mǎdīng 4️⃣。(Jiù)

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9. Listen to the recording and select the suitable reply to make up dialogues.

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10. Listen to the recording and select the suitable reply to make up dialogues.

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11. Put the word into a suitable place in the sentence(choose the number).

我1️⃣是2️⃣他 3️⃣朋友4️⃣。(的)

Wǒ 1️⃣ shì  2️⃣ tā 3️⃣ péngyǒu 4️⃣。(de)

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12. Listen to the recording and select the suitable reply to make up dialogues.

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