Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 6-Homework 2-Living in China-Free Online Quiz

Free Quiz-Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 6 Homework 1

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Lesson6-homework1-Verb bu Verb=Verb...Ma?

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1. "能快点儿吗?Néng kuài diǎnr ma?" is the same meaning as"能不能快点儿?Néng bùnéng kuài diǎnr?".

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2. Which sentence below has the same meaning as this one?

你哥哥帅吗?Nǐ gēge shuài ma?

3 / 14

手机Cellphone-Mobile Phone-Free Chinese Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

4 / 14

4. Which sentence below has the same meaning as this one?

她是你姐姐吗?Tā shì nǐ jiějiě ma?

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5. Which sentence below has the same meaning as this one?

他是老师吗?Tā shì lǎoshī ma?

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6. Which sentence below has the same meaning as this one?

你买苹果吗?Nǐ mǎi píngguǒ ma?

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7. "这件大吗?Zhè jiàn dà ma? " is the same meaning as"这件大不大Zhè jiàn dà bù dà?".

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传真Fax-Free Chinese Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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9. Which sentence below has the same meaning as this one?

你是中国人吗?Nǐ shì zhōngguó rén ma?

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电子邮件Email-Free Chinese Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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11. "放味精吗?Fàng wèijīng ma?" is NOT the same meaning as"放不放味精?Fàng bù fàng wèijīng?".

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12. Which sentence below has the same meaning as this one?

宋丽丽在吗?Sònglìli zài ma?

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电话Phone-Free Chinese Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz|LindoChinese

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14. Which sentence below has the same meaning as this one?

是王先生吗?Shì wáng xiānsheng ma?

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