Experiencing Chinese Lesson 2 Homework-Mandarin Online Free Quizzes-LindoChinese

Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 2 Homework 4

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Lesson2-homework4-Time-Reading Practice

Practice Makes Perfect! Keep it up!^^

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1. Read and judge whether the answer is correct or not.



三点半Sān diǎn bàn

The Class Timetable of Peking University-Chinese Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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2. Arrange the following words into properly ordered sentences.

星期Xīngqī   五wǔ   九jiǔ  二十èr shí  号 hào  今天jīntiān  月yuè

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3. Read and judge whether the answer is correct or not.

星期四是几号?Xīngqī sì shì jǐ hào?


二十二号Èrshí'èr hào

Mr.Wang's schedule this week-Chinese Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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4. Read and answer the questions.

王先生几号去上海? 几号回北京?

Wáng xiānshēng jǐ hào qù shànghǎi? Jǐ hào huí běijīng?

Mr.Wang's schedule this week-Chinese Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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5. Read and judge whether the answer is correct or not.


Shàngwǔ dì sān jié jǐ diǎn shàngkè? 


十一点Shíyī diǎn

The Class Timetable of Peking University-Chinese Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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6. Arrange the following words into properly ordered sentences.

点Diǎn    几jǐ  上班shàngbān   你nǐ

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7. Read and answer the questions.


Shàngwǔ jǐ diǎn kāishǐ shàngkè?


The Class Timetable of Peking University-Chinese Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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8. Read and write down the answer


Měitiān duōshǎo jié kè?

(Please write the answer in Arabic numerals

The Class Timetable of Peking University-Chinese Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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9. Read and answer the questions.


Wǎnshàng zuìhòu yī jié kè dào jǐ diǎn?


The Class Timetable of Peking University-Chinese Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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10. Read and judge whether the answer is correct or not.

他几号开会?Tā jǐ hào kāihuì?


二十二号Èrshí'èr hào

Mr.Wang's schedule this week-Chinese Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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11. Read and write down the answer


Wáng xiānshēng xīngqí jǐ jiàn kèhù?


Note: The answer can be Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Pinyin (with or without tone marks )

If you want to enter Pinyin (with/without tone marks),

you need to leave a space between each word, in lower case.E.g: zi xing che

If you write in the wrong format, the system will not recognize it.

Sometimes it does not mean that your answer is wrong, thank you for your understanding!


Mr.Wang's schedule this week-Chinese Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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12. Read and answer the question.

什么时候朋友聚会Shénme shíhòu péngyǒu jùhuì?

Mr.Wang's schedule this week-Chinese Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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13. Arrange the following words into properly ordered sentences.

我Wǒ    三sān   星期xīngqī   去qù   北京běijīng

(Multiple Choice)

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