Experiencing Chinese Lesson 2 Homework-Mandarin Online Free Quizzes-LindoChinese

Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 2 Homework 2

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Lesson2-homework2-Time Practice

Practice Makes Perfect! Keep it up!^^

1 / 15

1. Choose the correct response to make a proper dialogue.

A:你几点回家?Nǐ jǐ diǎn huí jiā?


2 / 15

2. Please judge if the sentence whether correct or not based on the picture and provided words.

小王Xiǎo wáng      08:30 am

➡️小王早上八点半上班。Xiǎo wáng zǎoshang bā diǎn bàn shàngbān.

工作上班Work-Free Chinese Phrase Sentences Lessons Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

3 / 15

3. Choose the correct response to make a proper dialogue.

A:你几号去上海?Nǐ jǐ hào qù shànghǎi?


4 / 15

4. Please judge if the sentence whether correct or not based on the picture and provided words.

她Tā     18:00


厨房-做饭-Kitchen-Cooking-学汉语词汇-Free Chinese Vocabulary Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz-|LindoChinese

5 / 15

5. Please choose the proper sentence based on the picture and provided words.

她Tā        07:00 am

早上醒来起床Wake Up Get Up-Free Chinese Phrase Sentences Lessons Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

6 / 15

6. Please choose the proper sentence based on the picture and provided words.

王先生 Wáng xiānsheng       08:05 am

早餐早饭Breakfast-Free Chinese Phrase Sentences Lessons Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

7 / 15

7. Please judge if the sentence whether correct or not based on the picture and provided words.

小王Xiǎo wáng      06:30 pm


Xiǎo wáng zǎoshang liù diǎn bàn xiàbān.

下班Get Off Work-Free Chinese Phrase Sentences Lessons Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

8 / 15

8. Please choose the proper sentence based on the picture and provided words.

他们Tāmen       06:45 pm

(Multiple Choice)

烛光晚饭晚餐Romantic Dinner-Free Chinese Phrase Sentences Lessons Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

9 / 15

9. Choose the correct response to make a proper dialogue.

A:你几点睡觉?Nǐ jǐ diǎn shuìjiào?


10 / 15

10. Choose the correct response to make a proper dialogue.

A:现在几点?Xiànzài jǐ diǎn?


11 / 15

11. Please judge if the sentence whether correct or not based on the picture and provided words.

老张Lǎo zhāng      22:15


睡觉Sleep-Free Chinese Phrase Sentences Lessons Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

12 / 15

12. Choose the correct response to make a proper dialogue.

A:你几号回北京?Nǐ jǐ hào huí běijīng?


13 / 15

13. Choose the correct response to make a proper dialogue.

A:二十号是星期几?Èrshí hào shì xīngqí jǐ?


14 / 15

14. Choose the correct response to make a proper dialogue.

A:今天几号?Jīntiān jǐ hào?


15 / 15

15. Please choose the proper sentence based on the picture and provided words.

李小姐Lǐ xiǎojiě       12:30 pm

午饭午餐Lunch-Free Chinese Phrase Sentences Lessons Online For Beginners-Mandarin Quiz-LindoChinese

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