Experiencing Chinese Lesson 9 Homework-Mandarin Online Free Quizzes-LindoChinese

Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 9 Homework 4

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Lesson9-homework4-Illness-Reading & Writing Practice

Practice Makes Perfect! Keep it up!^^

1 / 10

1. Make a proper sentence by linking the words.

有Yǒu  不 bù  一点儿yīdiǎnr   我wǒ   舒服shūfu

2 / 10

2. Fill in the blank with the right words.


Wǒ_______bú shūfu.

3 / 10

3. Read and answer the question.

请假条Qǐngjià tiáo

张老师zhāng lǎoshī:

您好Nín hǎo!

我感冒了Wǒ gǎnmào le,有点儿头疼yǒudiǎnr tóuténg,今天不能去上课了jīntiān bùnéng qù shàngkè le。向您请一天假Xiàng nín qǐng yītiān jiǎ。谢谢Xièxiè!


10月yuè 18日 rì



她的老师姓什么?Tā de lǎoshī xìng shénme?

4 / 10

4. Make a proper sentence by linking the words.

得děi   医院yīyuàn  你nǐ   病bìng  看kàn  去qù

5 / 10

5. Read and answer the question.

请假条Qǐngjià tiáo

张老师zhāng lǎoshī:

您好Nín hǎo!

我感冒了Wǒ gǎnmào le,有点儿头疼yǒudiǎnr tóuténg,今天不能去上课了jīntiān bùnéng qù shàngkè le。向您请一天假Xiàng nín qǐng yītiān jiǎ。谢谢Xièxiè!


10月yuè 18日 rì



谁不能去上课?Shéi bùnéng qù shàngkè?她怎么了?Tā zěnme le?

6 / 10

6. Read and answer the question.

请假条Qǐngjià tiáo

张老师zhāng lǎoshī:

您好Nín hǎo!

我感冒了Wǒ gǎnmào le,有点儿头疼yǒudiǎnr tóuténg,今天不能去上课了jīntiān bùnéng qù shàngkè le。向您请一天假Xiàng nín qǐng yītiān jià。谢谢Xièxiè!


10月yuè 18日 rì



她请几天假?Tā qǐng jǐ tiān jià?

7 / 10

7. Fill in the blank with the right words.


Wǒ bù xǐhuān______yào.

8 / 10

8. Make a proper sentence by linking the words.

上班shàngbān  能néng  了le   不bù   去qù   我wǒ

9 / 10

9. Fill in the blank with the right words.


Nǐ hē_______jiǔ ba.

10 / 10

10. Fill in the blank with the right words.


Nǐ qù yīyuàn______bìng ba?

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