Colors颜色-Free Chinese Mandarin Online Quiz-LindoChinese

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Colors颜色-Free Chinese Mandarin Online Quiz-LindoChinese

Practice Makes Perfect!^^

1 / 13

2 / 13

3 / 13

4 / 13

5 / 13

5. Write down the color in Chinese that you heard(Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Pinyin).

6 / 13

6. Write down the color in Chinese that you heard(Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Pinyin).

7 / 13

8 / 13

8. "Pink" in Chinese will be...?(multiple choice)

9 / 13

10 / 13

11 / 13

11. "Gold(color)" in Chinese is "金色Jīnsè".

12 / 13

13 / 13

13. "银色Yínsè" in Chinese is "Gray"?

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