Shopping-How much is it? Free Chinese Mandarin Online Quiz-LindoChinese

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Free Quiz For Shopping-"How much is it"

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1 / 10

1. Please write down the answer in Chinese(Answers can be in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Pinyin)

Note: Pinyin should be written with a space in each word, lowercase, with tone marks, or without, otherwise the system can't recognize it, thanks.

For example:2.5元/斤, the answer should be:两块五/liang kuai wu /两块五毛/liang kuai wu mao

Tomato-"How much is it" in Chinese-chinese sentence online free quizes|LindoChinese

2 / 10

2. A:绿茶多少钱Lǜchá duōshǎo qián?

B:一百零八块Yībǎi líng bā kuài.

3 / 10

3. Please write down the answer in Chinese(Answers can be in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Pinyin)

Note: Pinyin should be written with a space in each word, lowercase, with tone marks, or without, otherwise the system can't recognize it, thanks.

For example:2.5元, the answer should be:两块五/liang kuai wu /两块五毛/liang kuai wu mao

4 / 10

4. A:_____多少钱duōshǎo qián?


Shorts-"How much is it" in Chinese-chinese sentence online free quizes|LindoChinese

5 / 10

5. (Multiple Choice)


Bike-Bicycle-"How much is it" in Chinese-chinese sentence online free quizes|LindoChinese

6 / 10

6. (Multiple choice)

A:_____多少钱duōshǎo qián?


coat-"How much is it" in Chinese-chinese sentence online free quizes|LindoChinese

7 / 10

7. Please write down the answer in Chinese(Answers can be in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Pinyin)

Note: Pinyin should be written with a space in each word, lowercase, with tone marks, or without, otherwise the system can't recognize it, thanks.

For example:2.5元, the answer should be:两块五/liang kuai wu /两块五毛/liang kuai wu mao

coffee-milk-"How much is it" in Chinese-chinese sentence online free quizes|LindoChinese

8 / 10

8. 面具多少钱Miànjù duōshǎo qián?

Mask-"How much is it" in Chinese-chinese sentence online free quizes|LindoChinese

9 / 10

9. A:茶壶多少钱Cháhú duōshǎo qián?

B:九十九块Jiǔshíjiǔ kuài.

10 / 10

10. 围巾多少钱Wéijīn duōshǎo qián?

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