Experiencing Chinese Lesson 5 Homework-Mandarin Online Free Quizzes-LindoChinese

Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 5 Homework 1

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Jobs-Occupations-Free Chinese Mandarin Online Quiz-LindoChinese

How many jobs can you name in Chinese? Let's find out, shall we?^^

1 / 30

1. "Artist" in Chinese can be:

2 / 30

Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

3 / 30

3. "Salesman" in Chinese can be____,  ____.

Sales in Chinese Mandarin

4 / 30

4. "Business man" in Chinese is :

"Business man"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

5 / 30

5. 我是一个学生。Wǒ shì yīgè xuéshēng。

"student"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

6 / 30

6. 我哥哥是一个(個)_____.

Wǒ gēgē shì yīgè_____.

(The answer can be Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese,or Pinyin)

"Doctor" in Chinese Mandarin.

7 / 30

7. (Note: the answer can be Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Pinyin)



Tā shì yīgè_____.

"Reporter-Journalist" in Chinese

8 / 30

8. "Security Guard" in Chinese:

Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

9 / 30

9. "Designer" in Chinese:

Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

10 / 30

10. "司机Sījī" means:

11 / 30

11. "Judge" in Chinese:

Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

12 / 30

12. "Freelancer" in Chinese Mandarin will be:             (multiple choice)

"Freelancer" in Chinese Madarin

13 / 30

"pilot"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

14 / 30

14. "Scientist" in Chinese is: "艺术家Yìshùjiā"

"the scientist"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

15 / 30

15. 她是一个_____.


Tā shì yīgè_____.

(Note: the answer can be Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Pinyin)

"police"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

16 / 30

16. 他是一个(個)_____.

Tā shì yīgè ______.

"photographer"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

17 / 30

17. 我爸爸是教授-Wǒ bàba shì "jiàoshòu"。

"professor"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

18 / 30

Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

19 / 30

19. Please write down "teacher" in Chinese(Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Pinyin)

"teacher"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

20 / 30

20. Please write down "Nurse" in Chinese(Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese or Pinyin)

"Nurse"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

21 / 30

Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

22 / 30

22. "Engineer" in Chinese.

"engineer"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

23 / 30

Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin-barber理发师|LindoChinese

24 / 30

24. "Programmer" in Chinese:

Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

25 / 30

"Singer"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

26 / 30

26. "Office worker" in Chinese:

Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

27 / 30

Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

28 / 30

athlete in Chinese Mandarin| LindoChinese

29 / 30

29. 他是一个画家-Tā shì yīge "huà jiā"。

"Painter"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

30 / 30

30. "空服员Kōng fú yuán"  yě jiào(also called): "空乘员Kōng chéngyuán".

"flight attendant"-Learn jobs In Chinese Mandarin|LindoChinese

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