Experiencing Chinese Lesson 4 Homework-Mandarin Online Free Quizzes-LindoChinese

Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 4 Homework 1

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Free Quiz For Food

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niunai牛奶-milk--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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2. 这里有三双_____.

Zhè li yǒu sān shuāng _____.

Please write down the answer in Chinese(Answers can be in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Pinyin)

Note: Pinyin should be written with a space in each word, lowercase, with tone marks, or without, otherwise the system can't recognize it, thanks.

For example:2.5元, the answer should be:两块五/liang kuai wu /两块五毛/liang kuai wu mao

筷子Chopsticks-Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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mantou馒头--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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kaoya北京烤鸭roast duck--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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shala沙拉salad--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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6. 请再给我一个____!

Qǐng zài gěi wǒ yīgè____!

panzi盘子plate--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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7. 这是一只____.

Zhè shì yī zhī____.


Please write down the answer in Chinese(Answers can be in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Pinyin)

Note: Pinyin should be written with a space in each word, lowercase, with tone marks, or without, otherwise the system can't recognize it, thanks.

For example:2.5元, the answer should be:两块五/liang kuai wu /两块五毛/liang kuai wu mao

碗bowl--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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baozi-Chinese bread--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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cha茶tea--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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dangao蛋糕cake--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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kele可乐cola--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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hanbaobao-汉堡包hamburger--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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guozhi果汁juice--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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14. 这是一把____.

Zhè shì yī bǎ_____.


Please write down the answer in Chinese(Answers can be in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Pinyin)

Note: Pinyin should be written with a space in each word, lowercase, with tone marks, or without, otherwise the system can't recognize it, thanks.

For example:2.5元, the answer should be:两块五/liang kuai wu /两块五毛/liang kuai wu mao

shaozi勺子spoon--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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mianbao面包bread--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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16. 这是一盒纸Zhè shì yī hé zhǐ.

zhijin纸巾tissues--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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17. 这是一把____.

Zhè shì yī bǎ_____.


Please write down the answer in Chinese(Answers can be in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Pinyin)

Note: Pinyin should be written with a space in each word, lowercase, with tone marks, or without, otherwise the system can't recognize it, thanks.

For example:2.5元, the answer should be:两块五/liang kuai wu /两块五毛/liang kuai wu mao

chazi叉子Fork--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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pisa-bisa比萨饼-披萨-pizza--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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19. 这是一把刀子Zhè shì yī bǎ dāozi。

daozi刀knife--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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kafei咖啡coffee--Chinese vocabulary online-free Mandarin quizes|LindoChinese

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