Experiencing Chinese Lesson 11 Homework-Mandarin Online Free Quizzes-LindoChinese

Experiencing Chinese-Lesson 11 Homework 2

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Lesson11-homework2-Weather Practice

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1. Choose the correct answer to make a proper conversation.

昨天的气温是多少度?Zuótiān de qìwēn shì duōshǎo dù?

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2. Is this conversation proper?

A:后天会刮风吗?Hòutiān huì guā fēng ma?

B:天气预报说后天有大风Tiānqì yùbào shuō hòutiān yǒu dàfēng。

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3. Choose the correct answer to make a proper conversation.

昨天是什么天气?Zuótiān shì shénme tiānqì?

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4. Choose the correct answer.(Multiple Choice)


Xiàtiān____qiūtiān rè____.

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5. Write down the correct answer.


Chūntiān bǐ dōngtiān nuǎnhuo____.


The answer can be Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Pinyin (with or without tone marks )

Note: If you want to enter Pinyin (with/without tone marks), you need to leave a space between each word, in lower case.E.g: zi xing che

If you write in the wrong format, the system will not recognize it. Sometimes it does not mean that your answer is wrong, thank you for your understanding!

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6. Are these conversation sentences correct?

A: 昨天上午下雨了吗?Zuótiān shàngwǔ xià yǔle ma?

B: 昨天上午不下雨。Zuótiān shàngwǔ bù xià yǔ.

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7. Is the sentence correct or wrong?


Hā'ěrbīn bǐ běijīng lěng duōle.

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8. Choose the proper answer to fill in the blank.


Jīntiān shì qíngtiān, gǎnjué_____.

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9. Choose the proper answer to fill in the blank.


Nàr de tiānqì_____!

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10. Choose the proper answer to fill in the blank.


Hā'ěrbīn de bīngdēng _____.

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11. Choose the correct answer to make a proper conversation.

今天下午会下雨吗?Jīntiān xiàwǔ huì xià yǔ ma?

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12. Choose the correct answer to make a proper conversation.

明天的气温是多少度?Míngtiān de qìwēn shì duōshǎo dù?

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13. Are these conversation sentences correct?

A: 明天是什么天气?Míngtiān shì shénme tiānqì?

B: 明天有雾。Míngtiān yǒu wù.

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